Friday, March 26, 2010

Call for Scenes #1

This is our first try at this, and this one is kind of lame, but there's a good reason for it, which I will explain later if I get the chance. But it's probably a good idea to start off with something pretty easy anyway.

Create a scene in which characters attend a Christmas party and something unexpected happens.

You can write this in any style or way you wish, when you're done, email them to me at dchadcluff+shortscenes [at] and I will post them anonymously.


  1. What is the time frame on this? A week? A month?

  2. I think for this one we shoot for 1 week and see how it goes.

  3. There are no lame scenes... only lame writers. And I should know, for I am one of many... But really is that not, not the point?

  4. I'd really like to do this but I've had to work really long hours everyday this week. Can we give it another week before it is "due"?

  5. Due to my own illness this week, and overwhelming demand, you can turn in an entry up to April 10th.

