Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Call for Posts

The time has come for our creative juices to start flowing again. But this time I thought we'd do things a little bit different and more like a real writing group.

Each of us will post our own work (you've each been added as authors) and you can login and post your stuff. Then we can help each other point out whats working and what isn't. This way over the weeks we can build a longer story, or work on several shorter projects.

Maybe every other time we'll throw out a writing prompt for a short story or scene to keep our creative juices flowing.

Deadlines are the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 1pm (this next Monday!).

To help get some juices going, I'll throw out an option prompt:
Give us a story/scene set in the modern day and time where it is discovered there are fantasy elements in the world. For example we discover that Iran's nuclear program isn't about building a bomb, but accessing magic. Also, remember this should be fantasy, not science fiction.

Also, if you want to contribute but I haven't invited you to be an author, or I did to the wrong email, leave a comment or email me.

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