Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Scene 2, Lies, Lies and More Damned Lies

Lies, Lies and More Damned Lies 
      Fade in from black to the opening strains of “Star Spangled Banner” as a montage of patriotic photos commences.  Pictures like the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima, an Eagle, Washington (probably several), Lincoln and what not.  As the patriotic tableau ends with the end of the national anthem, so silence begins.
      Enter a picture of the White House.  After a few seconds pause it changes to a picture of the oval office, two files can be seen on the desk at a distance.
      A few moments more and the scene zooms in on the files.
The files read NATIONAL BAILOUT PLAN & NATIONAL HEALTH CARE PLAN.  Visible at the bottom of both is Barak Obama’s signature.
Fade to black.


  1. Can't add much to this :)

    I guess some people did actually trust him before he took office ...
